Rundugai Village Donation Drive July 2022

While our focus is sorely to work with schools on MHH matters and Character Education, from time to time we come across situations that we cannot entirely ignore. Earlier in May, while conducting a due diligence at one of the schools in Rundugai village, we came across a situation where children and families of this village were very short on basic needs such as clothing, school supplies, food, and hygiene products. It is for that reason that we organized the fundraiser/ donation drive to collect the said supplies for the families. The event themed “Rundugai Village Donation Drive” was a very huge success thanks to the amazing community of Arusha and it’s surroundings. We were able to collect a lot of sanitary kits, school supplies, clothing and food items just as we had aimed and more. Whilst handling the donations over to the intended families, we had a talk with the women about a more sustainable and longterm solution to the challenges they face in efforts to provide basic necessities to their families.

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Menstrual Hygiene Day

Menstrual Hygiene Day (MH Day) is a global advocacy platform that brings together the voices and actions of non-profits, government agencies, individuals, the private sector

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